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* lfsStats.h --
* Declarations of Lfs stats structure.
* Copyright 1990 Regents of the University of California
* Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this
* software and its documentation for any purpose and without
* fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright
* notice appear in all copies. The University of California
* makes no representations about the suitability of this
* software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without
* express or implied warranty.
* $Header: /sprite/src/kernel/lfs/RCS/lfsStats.h,v 1.3 91/01/09 12:18:04 mendel Exp $ SPRITE (Berkeley)
#ifndef _LFS_STATS
#define _LFS_STATS
/* constants */
typedef struct LfsStatsCounter {
unsigned int high; /* High 32 bits. */
unsigned int low; /* Low 32 bits. */
} LfsStatsCounter;
#define LFS_STATS_MAX_SIZE 4096
#define LFS_STATS_INC(counter) ((++(counter).low == 0) ? (counter).high++ : 0)
#define LFS_STATS_ADD(counter, count) \
((((counter).low + (count) < (counter).low) ? (counter).high++ : 0),\
((counter).low = (counter).low + (count)))
#define LFS_STATS_INC(counter)
#define LFS_STATS_ADD(counter, count)
/* data structures */
#define LFSCOUNT LfsStatsCounter
typedef struct Lfs_StatsVersion1 {
int version; /* Version number of stats structure. */
int size; /* Size of this structure in bytes. */
* Segmented log counts.
struct LfsLogStats {
LFSCOUNT segWrites; /* Number of segmetns writes. */
LFSCOUNT partialWrites; /* Number of non-full segment writes. */
LFSCOUNT emptyWrites; /* Number of empty segment writes. */
LFSCOUNT blocksWritten; /* Number of blocks written to the log.*/
LFSCOUNT bytesWritten; /* Number of active bytes written to the log.*/
LFSCOUNT summaryBlocksWritten; /* Number of summary blocks written to
* disk. */
LFSCOUNT summaryBytesWritten; /* Number of summary bytes written. */
LFSCOUNT wasteBlocks; /* Number of waste blocks. */
LFSCOUNT newSegments; /* Number of new segments requests. */
LFSCOUNT cleanSegWait; /* Number of waits for a clean segment. */
LFSCOUNT useOldSegment; /* Number of requests that could use old
* segment. */
LFSCOUNT locks; /* Number of log was locked. */
LFSCOUNT lockWaits; /* Number time we waited to lock log. */
LFSCOUNT padding[16];
} log;
* Checkpoint related counters
struct LfsCheckPointStats {
LFSCOUNT count; /* Number of checkpoints performed. */
LFSCOUNT segWrites; /* Number of seg writes during checkpoints. */
LFSCOUNT blocksWritten; /* Number of log writes during checkpoints. */
LFSCOUNT bytesWritten; /* Number of bytes written during
* checkpoints. */
LFSCOUNT totalBlocks; /* Total blocks written to checkpoint area. */
LFSCOUNT totalBytes; /* Total bytes written to checkpoint area. */
LFSCOUNT padding[16];
} checkpoint;
struct LfsLogCleanStats {
LFSCOUNT startRequests; /* Number of start cleaning calls. */
LFSCOUNT alreadyActive; /* Number of start calls with cleaning
* already active. */
LFSCOUNT getSegsRequests; /* Number of request to LfsGetSegsToClean */
LFSCOUNT segsToClean; /* Number of segs returned to clean. */
LFSCOUNT numSegsToClean; /* Number of segments return. */
LFSCOUNT segReads; /* Number of segment read in. */
LFSCOUNT readErrors; /* Number we got errors reading in. */
LFSCOUNT readEmpty; /* Number we found to be empty. */
LFSCOUNT bytesCleaned; /* Number of active bytes cleaned. */
LFSCOUNT cacheBlocksUsed; /* Number of cache blocks used. */
LFSCOUNT segWrites; /* Number of seg writes during cleaning. */
LFSCOUNT blocksWritten; /* Number of log writes during cleaning. */
LFSCOUNT bytesWritten; /* Number of bytes written during
* cleaning. */
LFSCOUNT summaryBlocksRead; /* Number of summary blocks read. */
LFSCOUNT padding[16];
} cleaning;
struct LfsBlockIOStats {
LFSCOUNT reads; /* Number of block read. */
LFSCOUNT bytesReads; /* Number of bytes read. */
LFSCOUNT allocs; /* Calls to Lfs_BlockAllocate. */
LFSCOUNT fastAllocs; /* Number fast allocs. */
LFSCOUNT slowAllocs; /* Number of slow allocs. */
LFSCOUNT slowAllocFails; /* Number of slow allocs that failed. */
LFSCOUNT totalBytesRead; /* Total bytes read. */
LFSCOUNT totalBytesWritten; /* Total number of bytes written. */
LFSCOUNT segCacheHits; /* Reads that hit in the seg cache. */
LFSCOUNT padding[15];
} blockio;
struct LfsDescStats {
LFSCOUNT fetches; /* Number of descriptor fetches. */
LFSCOUNT goodFetch; /* Number of fetches that succed. */
LFSCOUNT fetchCacheMiss; /* Fetches that missed in the cache. */
LFSCOUNT fetchSearched; /* Number of descriptors searched during ftetch. */
LFSCOUNT stores; /* Number of descriptor stores. */
LFSCOUNT freeStores; /* Number of stores of free descriptors. */
LFSCOUNT accessTimeUpdate; /* Number of access time updates. */
LFSCOUNT dirtyList; /* File put on dirty list. */
LFSCOUNT truncs; /* Descriptor truncates. */
LFSCOUNT truncSizeZero; /* Truncate to size zero. */
LFSCOUNT delete; /* Truncate with delete. */
LFSCOUNT inits; /* Descriptor init calls. */
LFSCOUNT getNewFileNumber; /* Number of calls for getNewFileNumber */
LFSCOUNT scans; /* Scans during getNewFileNumber */
LFSCOUNT free; /* Number of descriptor frees. */
LFSCOUNT mapBlocksWritten; /* Descriptor map blocks written. */
LFSCOUNT mapBlockCleaned; /* Map blocks cleaned. */
LFSCOUNT descMoved; /* Number of descriptor that move. */
LFSCOUNT padding[16];
} desc;
struct LfsIndexStats {
LFSCOUNT get; /* Get file index count. */
LFSCOUNT set; /* Set file index count. */
LFSCOUNT getFetchBlock; /* Number of indirect blocks fetched by get.*/
LFSCOUNT setFetchBlock; /* Number of indirect blocks fetched by set. */
LFSCOUNT growFetchBlock; /* Number of indirect blocks fetched by grow */
LFSCOUNT getFetchHit; /* Number of indirect blocks found in cache for
* get. */
LFSCOUNT setFetchHit; /* Number of indirect blocks found in cache for
* set. */
LFSCOUNT truncs; /* Truncate index count. */
LFSCOUNT deleteFetchBlock; /* Fetching a cache block for delete. */
LFSCOUNT deleteFetchBlockMiss; /* Reading a cache block for delete. */
LFSCOUNT padding[16];
} index;
struct LfsFileLayoutStats {
LFSCOUNT calls; /* Calls to LfsFileLayoutProc. */
LFSCOUNT dirtyFiles; /* Number of dirty files fetched. */
LFSCOUNT dirtyBlocks; /* Number of dirty blocks fetched. */
LFSCOUNT dirtyBlocksReturned; /* Number of dirty blocks returned. */
LFSCOUNT filledRegion; /* Number of times we filled a region. */
LFSCOUNT segWrites; /* Number writes of file data. */
LFSCOUNT cacheBlocksWritten; /* Number of cache block written. */
LFSCOUNT descBlockWritten; /* Number of descriptor blocks written. */
LFSCOUNT descWritten; /* Number of descriptor written. */
LFSCOUNT filesWritten; /* Number of files written. */
LFSCOUNT cleanings; /* Number of file layout cleans. */
LFSCOUNT descBlocksCleaned; /* Number of descriptor blocks we had to
* clean. */
LFSCOUNT descCleaned; /* Number of descriptors cleaned. */
LFSCOUNT descCopied; /* Number of descriptors copied during cleaning. */
LFSCOUNT fileCleaned; /* Number of files encounted during cleaning. */
LFSCOUNT fileVersionOk; /* Number of files encounted during cleaning that
* could be alive by version number ok. */
LFSCOUNT blocksCleaned; /* Number of blocks encounted during
* cleaning. */
LFSCOUNT blocksCopied; /* Number of blocks copied during cleaning. */
LFSCOUNT blocksCopiedHit; /* Number of blocks founding in cache
* during cleaning. */
LFSCOUNT cleanNoHandle; /* Files deleted while being cleaned. */
LFSCOUNT cleanLockedHandle; /* File cleaning failed due to locked
* handle. */
LFSCOUNT padding[14];
} layout;
struct LfsSegUsageStats {
LFSCOUNT blocksFreed;
LFSCOUNT bytesFreed;
LFSCOUNT usageSet;
LFSCOUNT blocksWritten;
LFSCOUNT blocksCleaned;
LFSCOUNT padding[16];
} segusage;
struct LfsCacheBackendStats {
LFSCOUNT startRequests; /* Number of start write-back calls. */
LFSCOUNT alreadyActive; /* Number of start calls with write-back
* already active. */
LFSCOUNT padding[16];
} backend;
struct LfsDirLogStats {
LFSCOUNT entryAllocNew; /* Number of calls to LfsDirLogEntryAlloc for
* new entry. */
LFSCOUNT entryAllocOld; /* Number of calls to LfsDirLogEntryAlloc for
* old entry. */
LFSCOUNT entryAllocFound; /* Number of calls to LfsDirLogEntryAlloc that
* found their entry. */
LFSCOUNT entryAllocWaits; /* Number of waits in LfsDirLogEntryAlloc. */
LFSCOUNT newLogBlock; /* Number of new block blocks fetched. */
LFSCOUNT fastFindFail;
LFSCOUNT findEntrySearch;
LFSCOUNT dataBlockWritten;
LFSCOUNT blockWritten;
LFSCOUNT bytesWritten;
LFSCOUNT padding[2];
} dirlog;
unsigned int cleaningDist[LFS_STATS_CDIST_BUCKETS];
} Lfs_StatsVersion1;
typedef Lfs_StatsVersion1 Lfs_Stats;
#endif /* _LFS_STATS */